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The free praise and worship music of Larry A. Hamblen & Jerry D. Hamblen

Great Is Your Majesty!


Sheet music PDFs: lead sheet key of G or SATB key of G

1. Great is Your majesty,
Great is Your glory!
Great is Your love for me,
O, blessed story!
Great is the price You paid,
Dying on Calvary;
Great is the gift You gave,
And great is Your majesty!

To You, O Lord, and You alone,
We pledge our loyalty.
You are our King upon the throne,
And great is Your majesty!

2. Great is the mystery,
Great is the story!
Incarnate Deity,
To God be glory!
Born of a virgin's womb,
Sinless You died for me;
Laid in a borrowed tomb,
And raised in great majesty!

Words by Larry A. Hamblen; Music by Jerry D. Hamblen.
Copyright © 1998 Hamblen & Hamblen Music.
All Rights Reserved.  CCLI #: 2500012.

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